So once again after failing miserably (only 13 books) in 2016 I am participating in the #20BooksofSummer challenge in the hope that I may finally get some of the books collecting dust on my book shelves read.


#20BooksofSummer is a yearly challenge created by Cathy at Cathy746 with the aim to read twenty books between June 1, 2018 and September 3, 2018.


My goal is to read 20 books that I own, on top of any ARCs I have to read which may be wishful thinking but I’m going to give it my all.


I have chosen the 20 titles with a selection of Historical Fiction, Thrillers, and Contemporary Fiction/Romance.


So here goes! Book covers are linked to Goodreads for more information.



Historical Fiction Titles (7)



Mystery/Thriller Titles (5)



Contemporary Fiction/Romance Titles (8)



Follow along! And if you’re interested in participating or just learning more about this challenge, check it out on Cathy’s blog through the link above.


Happy Reading!