It’s hard to believe another year is coming to an end and a New Year is beginning!

2020 was a hard one in a lot of ways so I am definitely looking forward to 2021.

Here’s a look back at my 2020 reading stats and a few goals to aim for in 2021!


2020 Stats:

Total Books Read: 330 (85 books more than 2019)

Longest Book Read: The Royal We by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan

Total Pages Read: 114,112

Total Books Read and Reviewed for NetGalley: 52 (Feedback Ratio: 99%) 



My TOP reads in 2020 (check out some of my other favourites HERE):


Women’s Fiction



Historical Fiction



General Fiction





Contemporary Romance



YA & Fantasy






Goals for 2021:

  • Read at least one book per month of a back title that I have purchased and own.
  • Read at least one book per month that I was sent by an author/publisher in the past couple of years that I didn’t get a chance to read/review.
  • Read 250 books in total.


And lastly, once again I must thank all the authors, publishers, bloggers, and of course my family who have not only provided me with wonderful books to read but have supported me all year-long. I am truly honoured.