How do I rate a book?

Each book is rated independently. I don’t compare authors or books to each other and I use a 10 point system instead of the most common 5 star system as I just find it a little too limiting. For me there is a big difference between stars (ie. 3 stars (60%) and 4 stars (80%)).

I also take into consideration the following aspects of the story based on the genre of the book.


  • How suspenseful or intense is the story?
  • Does the story capture my attention?
  • Is the ending satisfying? 

Contemporary Romance

  • Do they have the typical predictable happy ending? (because that’s why we read them)
  • Do they have unique, creative characters?
  • Is the plot interesting and/or humorous?

General Fiction/Historical Fiction

  • Is the book thought-provoking?
  • Is it authentic?
  • Is the plot descriptive and engaging?
  • Does the story leave a lasting impression?

So saying all that, here is how I would breakdown the numbers.

10 – Loved It.

9 – Great.

8 – Very Good.

7 – Good.

6 – Slightly Better than Okay.

5 – Okay.

4 – Not Great.

3 – Not Good.

2 – A Waste of Precious Reading Time.

1 – Couldn’t Finish It.