What could come between a nanny and an earl in a fairy-tale love story? A reality check—in an endearing and witty romance by Sariah Wilson, the bestselling author of Roommaid.
With her sister’s medical bills mounting, Diana Parker can’t say no to a high-paying opportunity like this: accompany a wealthy couple to Aspen and nanny their precocious five-year-old son for three months. Necessary qualifications? She must know how to ski and teach math, speak fluent French, excel at social graces, and hold a master’s degree in childhood development. Who’ll be the wiser that Diana’s only skill is packing for Colorado?
So far, so good—having a con woman for a mother has turned out to be a benefit, even if Diana has complicated feelings about telling lies. But she’s doing this for her sister. And the perks—like a ticket to a lavish charity fundraiser, a new gown, and a Prince Charming–adjacent earl named Griffin Windsor—are pretty irresistible. Diana can’t deny the Cinderella vibe.
Wary of gold diggers and scandal, England’s most eligible bachelor is nevertheless falling for Diana, and sweeping the not-quite princess off her feet.
The warmer their relationship becomes, the slipperier the slopes are for Diana. Sooner or later, she’ll have to come clean. When that happens, does an honest-to-goodness happy ending stand a chance?
“Diana and Griffin’s slow-burn closed-door passion is authentic.”
— Kirkus Reviews
And Now a Little Q & A with Sariah Wilson
What is the title of your latest release?
My newest release is called CINDER-NANNY and it is out June 21st!
What’s the “elevator pitch for your new book?
This is a loose retelling of CINDERELLA with a woman who takes a nannying job that she is not qualified for in order to help her sister’s medical issues. She tries to keep her lack of skills secret, and it’s not helped when a yummy English earl comes along, needing her help.
How did you decide where your book was going to take place?
It takes place in Aspen, Colorado and I chose that city because I wanted a city famous for its skiing and the wealthy people that live/play there. Plus, Aspen is really beautiful!
Would you hang out with your heroine in real life?
Absolutely, but I might keep an eye on my wallet.
What are three words that describe your hero?
Charming, delightful and British.
What’s something you learned while writing this book?
The same thing I have to learn every book—that I can actually do it! I can write a full-length novel that makes sense and that other people enjoy. It always feels impossible in the beginning, and especially halfway through, and at the end I’m always telling myself that I’ve done it before and can do it again, but I’m not sure my brain actually believes it.
Do you edit as you draft or wait until you are totally done?I edit as I go. To get me back in the right frame of mind with the story, I edit/reread what I wrote the day before and then start writing from there.
What’s your favourite foodie indulgence?
Dove ice cream bars. I’m not really a foodie—I have the palate of a six-year-old child, but I really love ice cream.
Describe your writing space/office?
It used to be my bedroom. I have blackout curtains and I would sit in my bed and write. But now we have a puppy and so I write in the family room on the couch so that I’m available to her. I miss writing in my room!
Who is an author you admire?
There are so many for so many different reasons, but I think Zoraida Córdova is awesome.
Is there a book that changed your life?
Probably the first romance novel I ever read. My mom used to subscribe to Harlequin, and we had romance novels in my house by the ton. I picked one up one day (being very bored) and it was about a Greek shipping magnate who has an enemy and blackmails the enemy’s daughter into marriage (she had red hair). Then they fell in love, and I remember being shocked by it and then very, very happy. I’ve been chasing the high of my very first “they fall in love???” ever since.
Tell us about when you got “the call.” (when you found out your book was going to be published)
Essentially—I won a contest Amazon had for writers (Kindle Scout) and I had entered in large part because my goal was to publish with Montlake, Amazon’s romance house. The contest coordinator asked why I’d entered, and I told her. Next thing I knew, I was getting a phone call from the editorial director of Montlake. I thought it was a networking type of thing, getting my foot in the door and meeting her. But at the end of the call she told me she was going to offer me a two-book contract and I was so stunned that it was difficult to speak (she still teases me about it). That’s not usually how things work in publishing, so it was a bit hard to process, but super thrilling!
What’s your favourite genre to read?
Romantic comedies and YA fantasy.
What’s your favourite movie?
Impossible to answer as I have so many favorite movies for so many different reasons. But as far as romance goes, it might be MAD ABOUT MAMBO. I really love that rom com, and not many people have seen it. But I highly recommend it!
What is your favourite season?
Fall. I love the leaves changing and getting to wear long dusters/cardigans that make me feel like a character out of a fantasy novel when I go to the grocery store and it’s gently flapping in the breeze like a cape.
How do you like to celebrate your birthday?
Quietly, with my family. I’m an introvert and a homebody and my choice would always be to stay home and do nothing.
What’s a recent tv show/movie/book/podcast you highly recommend?
If you haven’t seen THE LOST CITY yet (Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum), go see it! It’s really funny and romantic and Hollywood needs to make dozens more of this type of movie.
What’s your favourite type of cuisine?
American, usually. Depends on what my inner six-year-old is up for.
What do you do when you have free time?
I don’t really have a lot of free time, but I like to read and play videogames.
What can readers expect from you next?
My next book is called THE CHEMISTRY OF LOVE, and it will be out next year. It’s about a cosmetic chemist who starts fake dating her boss in order to make his brother jealous while trying to start her own company. It was so much fun to write (love STEM heroines!) and hopefully readers will enjoy it!
“A refreshing, addictive modern-day Cinderella story with irresistible characters that I devoured in one sitting”
— What’s Better Than Books
This novel is available now.
Pick up a copy from your favourite retailer or from one of the following links.

Thank you to Sariah Wilson and Kaye Publicity for being featured on my blog today!
About Sariah Wilson

USA Today bestselling author Sariah Wilson has never jumped out of an airplane, never climbed Mt. Everest, and is not a former CIA operative. She has, however, been madly, passionately in love with her soulmate and is a fervent believer in happily ever afters—which is why she writes romance. She grew up in southern California, graduated from Brigham Young University (go Cougars!) with a semi-useless degree in history, and is the oldest of nine (yes, nine) children . She currently lives with the aforementioned soulmate and their four children in Utah, along with two cats named Pixel and Callie, who do not get along. (The cats, not the children. Although the children sometimes have their issues, too.)
Photo courtesy of Author's Website.
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