Publisher: Clink Street Publishing

#BookReview & #BlogTour The Watcher by Monika Jephcott Thomas @Authoright

#BookReview & #BlogTour The Watcher by Monika Jephcott Thomas @Authoright Title: The Watcher

Author: Monika Jephcott Thomas

Published by: Clink Street Publishing on Oct. 10, 2017

Genres: Historical Fiction

Pages: 214

Format: eBook, ARC

Source: Authoright

Book Rating: 8/10

It’s 1949 when Netta’s father Max is released from a Siberian POW camp and returns to his home in occupied Germany. But he is not the man the little girl is expecting – the brave, handsome doctor her mother Erika told her stories of. Erika too struggles to reconcile this withdrawn, volatile figure with the husband she knew and loved before, and, as she strives to break through the wall Max has built around himself, Netta is both frightened and jealous of this interloper in the previously cosy household she shared with her mother and doting grandparents. Now, if family life isn’t tough enough, it is about to get even tougher, when a murder sparks a police investigation, which begins to unearth dark secrets they all hoped had been forgotten.


Tragic, mysterious, and heartbreaking!

The Watcher is a moving tale that picks up where “Fifteen Words” left off, taking us back into the Portner household where the physical and psychological horrors of war still resonate, and the process of survival and healing remains a daily struggle.

The prose is somber and descriptive. The characters are wounded, secretive, and raw. And the plot is a poignant ride about life, loss, family dynamics, PTSD, suspicion, desperation, deception, jealousy, grief, and murder.

Overall, The Watcher is a well-written followup for Jephcott Thomas that does an exceptional job of highlighting the importance of trust, honesty, support, and intimacy in moving forward and rebuilding what’s been lost.


This book is available now.

Pick up a copy from your favourite retailer or from one of the following links.




 Thank you to Authoright for providing me with a copy in an exchange for an honest review.


About Monika Jephcott Thomas

Monika Jephcott Thomas grew up in Dortmund Mengede, north-west Germany. She moved to the UK in 1966, enjoying a thirty year career in education before retraining as a therapist. Along with her partner Jeff she established the Academy of Play & Child Psychotherapy in order to support the twenty per cent of children who have emotional, behavioural, social and mental health problems by using play and the creative Arts. A founder member of Play Therapy UK, Jephcott Thomas was elected President of Play Therapy International in 2002. In 2016 her first book Fifteen Words was published.



#BlogTour & #BookReview Porcelain: Flesh of Innocents by Lee Cockburn @lee_leecockburn

#BlogTour & #BookReview Porcelain: Flesh of Innocents by Lee Cockburn @lee_leecockburn Title: Porcelain: Flesh of Innocents

Author: Lee Cockburn

Published by: Clink Street Publishing on Feb. 21, 2017

Genres: Mystery/Thriller, Police Procedural

Pages: 266

Format: eBook, ARC

Source: Authoright

Book Rating: 8/10

Detective Sergeant Taylor Nicks is back and in charge of tracking down a sadistic vigilante, with a penchant for torturing paedophiles, in this unsettling crime thriller by a real-life police sergeant. 

High-powered businessmen are turning up tortured around the city of Edinburgh with one specific thing in common — a sinister double life involving pedophilia. Leaving his ‘victims’ in a disturbing state, the individual responsible calls the police and lays bare the evidence of their targets’ twisted misdemeanours to discover, along with a special memento of their own troubled past — a chilling calling card. Once again heading the investigation team is Detective Sergeant Taylor Nicks, along with her partner Detective Constable Marcus Black, who are tasked not only with tracking the perpetrator down but also dealing with the unusual scenario of having to arrest the victims for their own barbarous crimes. But with the wounded piling up the predator’s thirst for revenge intensifies and soon Nicks discovers that she is no longer chasing down a sinister attacker but a deadly serial killer.

Vivid, dark and deeply unsettling Porcelain: Flesh of Innocents is the perfect next read for serious crime and police thriller fans.


Spine-chilling, gritty and deeply disturbing!

This is a raw, creepy thriller full of violence, degradation, emotional entanglements, sex and murder.

The main heroine, Taylor, is relentless, determined, strong, confused and damaged. And the supporting characters are complex, intelligent and vulnerable. The writing is well done and exceptionally descriptive. And the plot is a well-crafted police procedural jam-packed with twists, turns, suspense and mayhem.

I have to point out that this story deals with some heartbreaking, horrific issues such as pedophilia and includes some explicit lesbian sex scenes so may not be for everyone. However, saying that, for everyone else this is a gripping, fast-paced murder mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat and definitely have you questioning the line between criminal and victim, retribution and revenge right from the haunting prologue.


This book is available now. 

Pick up a copy from your favourite retailer or from one of the following links.

Amazon UKBarnes & Noble



Thank you to Authoright for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.


About Lee Cockburn

Lee Cockburn has worked for Police Scotland for sixteen years including as a police sergeant in Edinburgh for seven years and also as a public order officer. Before joining the force, she played for Scotland Women’s rugby team for fifteen years, earning over eighty caps for the Scottish ladies and British Lionesses teams. She also swam competitively for twelve years, successfully representing Edinburgh at the age of fifteen in the youth Olympics in Denmark in 1984. Lee lives in Edinburgh with her civil partner Emily and their two young sons Jamie and Harry. Her first book Devil’s Demise was published by Clink Street Publishing November 2014.


#BookReview #BlogTour Fifteen Words by Monika Jephcott Thomas

#BookReview #BlogTour Fifteen Words by Monika Jephcott Thomas Title: Fifteen Words

Author: Monika Jephcott Thomas

Published by: Clink Street Publishing on Nov. 22, 2016

Genres: Historical Fiction

Pages: 293

Format: eBook, ARC

Source: Authoright

Book Rating: 8.5/10

Two young doctors form a profound and loving bond in Nazi Germany; a bond that will stretch them to the very limits of human endurance. Catholic Max – whose religious and moral beliefs are in conflict, has been conscripted to join the war effort as a medic, despite his hatred of Hitler’s regime. His beloved Erika, a privileged young woman, is herself a product of the Hitler Youth. In spite of their stark differences, Max and Erika defy convention and marry.

But when Max is stationed at the fortress city of Breslau, their worst nightmares are realised; his hospital is bombed, he is captured by the Soviet Army and taken to a POW camp in Siberia. Max experiences untold horrors, his one comfort the letters he is allowed to send home: messages that can only contain Fifteen Words. Back in Germany, Erika is struggling to survive and protect their young daughter, finding comfort in the arms of a local carpenter. Worlds apart and with only sparse words for comfort, will they ever find their way back to one another, and will Germany ever find peace?

Fifteen Words is a vivid and intimate portrayal of human love and perseverance, one which illuminates the German experience of the war, which has often been overshadowed by history.


Insightful, poignant, and incredibly moving!

This is an extremely compelling story that allows us a rare opportunity to see the war from two different German perspectives and reminds us of the emotional, psychological and physical horrors seen and endured during times of conflict and their long-lasting effects on not only the soldiers themselves, but also the families they leave behind.

The story is set in both Germany and Siberia, Russia, and is told from two points of view; Max, a German doctor, who continues to aid and comfort to the best of his abilities even when freedom seems beyond reach and home seems a world away; and Erika, Max’s wife, a young doctor herself who struggles to stay positive and raise and support her daughter despite her flagging optimism.

This is story about war, loss, loneliness, determination, hope, love, courage, and survival.

The prose is descriptive and smooth. The characters are strong, real, multi-layered, and damaged. And the plot is subtle but impactful with an underlying current that sometimes we can say so much with so few words.

Overall, this is truly a powerful story I won’t soon forget.


This novel is available now.

Pick up a copy from your favourite retailer or from the following links.

Amazon UKAmazon USAmazon Canada



 Thank you to Authoright for providing me with a copy in an exchange for an honest review.


About Monika Jephcott Thomas

Monika Jephcott Thomas grew up in Dortmund Mengede, north-west Germany. She moved to the UK in 1966, enjoying a thirty year career in education before retraining as a therapist. Along with her partner Jeff she established the Academy of Play & Child Psychotherapy in order to support the twenty per cent of children who have emotional, behavioural, social and mental health problems by using play and the creative Arts. A founder member of Play Therapy UK, Jephcott Thomas was elected President of Play Therapy International in 2002. In 2016 her first book Fifteen Words was published.



#BookReview & #BlogTour Twenty Four Days to Christmas by Fred Arthur

#BookReview & #BlogTour Twenty Four Days to Christmas by Fred Arthur Title: Twenty Four Days to Christmas

Author: Fred Arthur

Published by: Clink Street Publishing on Nov. 10, 2015

Genres: Children's Book

Pages: 76

Format: eBook, ARC

Source: Authoright

Book Rating: 8/10

Poppy is in agony – it is the First of December and she has twenty-four days to wait until Christmas and she is convinced that she will not be able to contain her excitement and impatience: How can she possibly wait so long for Santa to arrive? Poppy’s parents put their heads together and come up with a cunning plan that has Poppy completing a different, Christmas themed activity every day, to keep Her busy until Christmas (and Santa) finally arrives. Twenty-Four Days to Christmas is an Advent Calendar of a book, which can be read one day at a time, or as a complete story, and centres on Christmas, family and the magic of the Christmas season.


Charming, fun, and incredibly creative!

This is a delightful children’s story that makes everyday in the month of December special and gives you wonderful ideas for things to do, things to see, and things to make.

The characters are charming, eager, and excited. The story is written in a wonderful, easy-to-read, rhyming manner that flows nicely and is highly entertaining, and the illustrations are the perfect combination of bright, bold, colourful, and amusing.

Overall, this is a great festive novel that will keep the little ones enraptured and have you making reindeer out of pine cones and baking lots of Christmas goodies in no time.


This book is available now.

Purchase from your favourite retailer or from the following links.

Amazon UKAmazon USAmazon Canada

For more information on Fred Arthur follow them on Twitter at: @fredarthurbooks



Thank you to Authoright for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.


Fred Arthur’s Top 2 Christmas Decorations

  1. The Tree – ornaments, lights, tinsel and (of course) brightly wrapped presents underneath! – Well it just has to be!
  2. The Christmas Nativity scene – the stable, the shepherds, the Wise Men, the animals and, of course, the baby!



#BookReview The Adventures of Austin the Cornish Miner The Morgawr and the Bad Knockers by Karen M. Hoyle

#BookReview The Adventures of Austin the Cornish Miner The Morgawr and the Bad Knockers by Karen M. Hoyle Title: The Adventures of Austin the Cornish Miner Book Two: The Morgawr and the Bad Knockers

Author: Karen M Hoyle

Published by: Clink Street Publishing on Oct.18, 2016

Genres: Children's Book

Pages: 32

Format: eBook, ARC

Source: Authoright

Book Rating: 7.5/10

Spirited and adventurous children’s book series follows the adventures of a Cornish tin miner and his magical friends.
Two naughty Knockers -grubby trolls who wear miners boots and eat pasty crusts for those of you who don’t know- have been stealing from their community. With no-one else to turn to, it is up to Austin to help his friends out and bring the thieves to justice. However, things take a dangerous turn when the knockers take something explosive and Austin is forced to embark on a very different adventure which will take him underground through perilous tunnels and out into the wild sea.

With the help of new friends, in the shape of sea serpents and Bramble, a female knocker who used to be a wrestling champion, Austin finds himself in a race to save the lives of the magical underground world- but will he succeed? Enjoy the ride as the Cornish coast provides another dose of adventure and magic that children and adults alike with enjoy and remember for years to come.


Adventurous, humorous, and incredibly imaginative.

This is an amusing children’s story where magical creatures interact with the human world to solve problems, teach morals, and engage in comical escapades.

The setting is the rugged landscape of the Cornish coast, complete with miners, caves, villagers, and sea creatures. The characters are creative, unique, and intriguing. The illustrations are clear and are a good representation of both the characters and the ongoing action. And the plot builds nicely with some twists, turns, and exaggerated mishaps and hijinks that keep you thoroughly engaged.

Overall, this is a fun, easy read that will entertain children everywhere!


This book is due to be published on October 18, 2016.

Pick up a copy from your favourite retailer or from the following links.

Amazon UKAmazon USAmazon Canada



Author Spotlight: Karen M. Hoyle:

Writing in general: When I am not writing children’s books I am normally writing in some other capacity. I believe that creativity can be used in any part of your life and writing whether it is for work, for business or for pleasure is one of those things that leaves a unique sense of achievement as well as a physical part of you that someone else can read and pick up what you are thinking. Challenge yourself to be more creative with what you write on Facebook, or your Christmas cards or even a really dramatic resignation letter!.

The Outdoors: I think I was born with a gene that requires me to be outdoors as much as I can. I love walking the dog, exploring beaches even just working outdoors on my laptop in the garden. The fresh air seems to give me freedom to think and also to get away from anything that is causing any stress. I am lucky to live in Cornwall where I have a huge variety of outdoor pursuits to enjoy. I think being Cornish means being outdoors and enjoying your surroundings maybe more than most. I have played hockey for over 30 years and my love of sport has given me friends, something to shout at when the Olympics is on, and being outdoors being competitive and staying fit.

My Dog: Eleven years ago a spaniel shaped ball of fluff arrived in my life. Bailey snuggled up to me and instantly I was a mum to the cutest thing that just wanted love (and food) and just to please me endlessly. I bought Bailey to give me reason to go outdoors more but she has given me so much more as a companion with a crazy spirit and we have certainly had a huge amount of adventures. It is when I am out walking and playing with Bailey that I get a lot of ideas for my books, her playfulness and childlike enthusiasm is what I pick up on. The simplest things seem magical to Bailey and they also are to children.

Speaking and Presenting: I have done a lot of speaking and presenting at events over the last few years and I love the interaction with the people in the room. Writing a book is a one-way experience, me to them. But delivering a session for a group of people in a room goes two ways. I enjoy exploring people’s ideas and taking them places with a few suggestions that they may not have even considered. I like the fun and interaction that people’s characters can provide. Am I picking up clues for characters for books? maybe, but I pick up human nature more than anything. The shy person who comes out of their shell when encouraged and welcomed by a group or the loud person who inevitably can be proven wrong or shown that confidence doesn’t mean being the loudest. I like educating people with the bit of knowledge that I have that they don’t, but equally I learn a lot in return.

karenmhoyleauthorKaren M Hoyle was born in Newquay, Cornwall and grew up with Cornish magical tales all around her. A writer through her career in public relations, Karen wrote her first book ‘The Adventures of Austin the Cornish Miner The Rescue of The Dweeble Stone’ in 2004. The book stayed in a moving box for eleven years before resurfacing and finally being published in 2015. Karen has also written poetry, winning a poetry competition aged 13 which is now showcased at the British Museum. Karen now sees writing as a fundamental part of her future and mixes children’s writing with writing books and blogs related to her profession. Karen continues to live in Cornwall with her writing companion Bailey the Cocker Spaniel who likes to delete items from Karen’s laptop when bored.

For more information on Karen M. Hoyle, visit her website at:

or follow her on Twitter at: @Austintheminer


Thank you to Authoright for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

