#BookReview & #BlogTour Dark Water by Sara Bailey @baileysara Title: Dark Water

Author: Sara Bailey

Published by: Nightingale Editions on Oct. 3, 2016

Genres: General Fiction, Mystery/Thriller

Pages: 288

Format: eBook, ARC

Source: Nightingale Editions

Book Rating: 9/10

A deeply poignant coming-of-age thriller

When Helena returns to her childhood home in Orkney to care for her father after a heart attack, she is forced to face memories that she has spent half a lifetime running from. Still haunted by the disappearance of her blood-sister, Anastasia – who vanished during a daredevil swimming incident – Helena must carefully navigate the island that made her, and the old faces that still ask: what really happened that night by the wrecks?

An intense portrait of adolescent yearning and obsession, from debut novelist Sara Bailey.


Chilling, haunting, and deeply moving!

This is a gripping novel that demonstrates the enduring mental and emotional anguish that can be caused by friendship, familial dynamics, loss, guilt, grief, jealousy, and loneliness, and emphasizes the importance of closure and forgiveness.

The prose is beautiful and clear. The characters are consumed, damaged, troubled, and real. The setting is vividly described, with the island of Orkney being a character itself with its dreariness and isolation. And the plot is meticulous, clever, mysterious, melancholic, and exceptionally riveting.

This truly is a gripping, thought-provoking, emotional novel that is incredibly captivating and intriguing from the very start. It would definitely be a wonderful addition to book clubs everywhere and I highly recommend it.

This novel is due to be published on October 3, 2016. 

Pick up a copy from your favourite retailer or from the following links.

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Thank you to Nightingale Editions for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.


About Sara Bailey

Dr Sara Bailey is a writer, consultant and lecturer who has been working with authors and screenwriters for many years, in Richmond-upon-Thames, Winchester and Southampton. She has a PhD in Creative and Critical Writing from Bangor University.

Her first book was published by Bloomsbury in 2013, Writing the Horror Movie, which she co-authored whilst hiding behind a cushion. Recently she has returned to her home of Orkney, the setting of her debut novel, Dark Water.