#BookReview The Secret War of Julia Child by Diana R. Chambers @DianaRChambers @Sourcebooks @sbkslandmark #TheSecretWarOfJuliaChild #DianaRChambers #bookmarkedbylandmark Title: The Secret War of Julia Child

Author: Diana R. Chambers

Published by: Sourcebooks Landmark on Oct. 22, 2024

Genres: Historical Fiction

Pages: 400

Format: ARC, Paperback

Source: Sourcebooks Landmark

Book Rating: 8/10

Before she mastered the art of French cooking in midlife, Julia Child found herself working in the secrets trade in Asia during World War II, a journey that will delight both historical fiction fans and lovers of America’s most beloved chef, revealing how the war made her into the icon we know now.

Single, 6 foot 2, and thirty years old, Julia McWilliams took a job working for America’s first espionage agency, years before cooking or Paris entered the picture. The Secret War of Julia Child traces Julia’s transformation from ambitious Pasadena blue blood to Washington, DC file clerk, to head of General “Wild Bill” Donovan’s secret File Registry as part of the Office of Strategic Services. 

The wartime journey takes her to the Far East, to Asia’s remote frontlines of then-Ceylon, India, and China, where she finds purpose, adventure, self-knowledge – and love with mapmaker Paul Child. The spotlight has rarely shone on this fascinating period of time in the life of (“I’m not a spy”) Julia Child, and this lyrical story allows us to explore the unlikely world of a woman in World War II spy station who has no idea of the impact she’ll eventually impart.


Immersive, interesting, and well-written!

The Secret War of Julia Child is a rich, intriguing tale set predominantly in Asia during WWII that follows Julia McWilliams, a young woman who, after taking a position working for the OSS, suddenly finds herself in the Far East protecting valuable information, surviving war’s atrocities, finding her true spirit, and meeting the man whom she would love forever.

The prose is polished and evocative. The characters are feisty, driven, and resilient. And the plot, including all the subplots, intertwine and unravel into a sweeping saga of life, loss, heartbreak, betrayal, secrets, espionage, danger, survival, tragedy, friendship, and romance.

Overall, The Secret War of Julia Child is an absorbing, evocative, fascinating novel by Chambers that does a beautiful job of revealing the remarkable life of a woman most of us probably only know or remember due to the cooking feats and successes she had later in life.


This novel is available now.

Pick up a copy from your favourite retailer or one of the following links.




Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark for gifting me a copy in exchange for an honest review.


About Diana R. Chambers

Diana R. Chambers was born with a book in one hand and a passport in the other. Her first explorations were in the library, plotting adventures on her world globe. She went on to study Asian art history at university, work at a Paris translation agency, and dream in French. Fate landed her in India, where she began a handicrafts export business, which led, circuitously, to Hollywood costuming…and, later, scriptwriting. She was enthralled by the magic of creating worlds, but after one of her scripts was optioned then never made, her characters started demanding their own novels! Diana had just the novel in mind, working on it while on location with a Canadian/French/American detective series. She also wrote several articles about her travels and research in various borderlands.

Diana has followed her stories around the world and back in time. She is the author of four novels, including The Star of India, from Penguin Random House India. Her latest, The Secret War of Julia Child, inspired by Julia’s OSS service in WWII Asia, will be published by Sourcebooks Landmark October 22, 2024.

She lives in Northern California and Aix-en-Provence, France, with her fellow-traveler husband, artist daughter, and feral cat, Marco Polo.

Photographer: Carol Scotti