Can’t-Wait Wednesday hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings is a weekly post
to spotlight books we’re excited about that we have yet to read.
This week the book I’m waiting on is …
Never give up on your dreams, no matter how long you hold on to them . . .
Gracie Burton is a grandmother, living quietly in Devon. She has rarely left the village over the past forty years. Her daughter, Carina, is immensely high-powered with her own fast-paced business in London. She has very little time for her 17-year-old daughter, Anastasia, away at boarding school, and even less time for her aging mother. In many ways, the three of them barely know each other. Then Gracie stumbles upon an advertisement for a weeklong cookery course in the heart of the Tuscan countryside. She cannot resist and ploughs her life savings into the trip. Carina and Anastasia accompany her. They have no idea why Gracie has been drawn to this venture. They have no sense of her past; she has never spoken about it. They have no idea that Gracie is harbouring the secret of an extraordinary life that preceded them . . .
What do you think? It sounds good, doesn’t it!
Have you had a chance to read The Temptation of Gracie or anything else by Santa Montefiore?
Will it be added to your TBR shelf?
Thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada for my review copy!
I’ve only read one title by this author “Secrets of the Lighthouse” which I enjoyed. I would like to try another of hers – do you have a suggestion as to which one?
Hi Lynne, my favourite so far is The Songs of Love and War which is the first book in a trilogy but could be read as a stand-alone.