#BookReview Chaos by Iris Johansen @Iris_Johansen @GrandCentralPub #Chaos #IrisJohansen #GrandCentralPub Title: Chaos

Author: Iris Johansen

Published by: Grand Central Publishing on Sep. 1, 2020

Genres: Mystery/Thriller

Pages: 624

Format: Hardcover

Source: Grand Central Publishing

Book Rating: 9/10

The #1 New York Times bestselling author introduces CIA agent Alisa Flynn, who is willing to go rogue if it means catching the most heartless band of criminals she’s ever encountered.

When CIA agent Alisa Flynn flaunts the rules by breaking into a mansion in the middle of the night, she skillfully circumvents alarms and outwits guards only to find herself standing in billionaire Gabe Korgan’s study . . . busted by Korgan himself. This could cost her her job unless, in a split second, she can turn the tables and try to convince him to join her on the most important mission of her life.

In a ripped-from-the-headlines plot, schoolgirls in Africa have been kidnapped, and Alisa knows that Korgan has the courage, financial means, and high-tech weaponry to help rescue them. With so many innocent lives hanging in the balance, what she doesn’t reveal is that one of those schoolgirls is like a little sister to her. But when the truth gets out, the stakes grow even higher.

Calling in additional assistance from renowned horse whisperer Margaret Douglas, Alisa and Gabe lay their plans, only to see them descend into chaos as the line between right and wrong wavers before them like a mirage. Every path is strewn with pitfalls, each likely to get them — or the hostages — killed. But with the help of a brave team and a horse with the heart of a warrior, they might just get out of this alive.


Adrenaline-pumping, fast-paced, and suspenseful!

In this first instalment in the Alisa Flynn series, Chaos, Johansen has written an action-packed thrill ride that introduces the highly intelligent CIA Special Operative Flynn who with the help of her friend, the animal whisperer, Margaret Douglas, and the billionaire inventor, Gabe Korgan, is on the hunt for a group of mercenaries who have kidnapped a group of rich, young girls, a stable full of thoroughbred horses, and Alisa’s ward, Sasha Lawrence from the St. Eldon’s Academy with disturbingly nefarious purposes in mind.

The writing is edgy and crisp. The characters are persistent, ruthless, and unique. And the plot keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish as it submerges you in a menacing, chilling tale full of violence, deception, corruption, mayhem, danger, control, power, murder, and a sliver of the supernatural.

Overall, Chaos is a tortuous, pacey, exciting mystery that’s sure to be a new fan favourite with its creative, well-drawn characterization, heightened sense of urgency, and thrilling conclusion.


This novel is available now.

Pick up a copy from your favourite retailer or from one of the following links.




Thank you to Grand Central Publishing for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.


About Iris Johansen

Iris Johansen is a New York Times bestselling author. She began her writing after her children left home for college. She first achieved success in the early 1980s writing category romances. In 1991, Johansen began writing suspense historical romance novels, starting with the publication of The Wind Dancer. In 1996 Johansen switched genres, turning to crime fiction, with which she has had great success.

She lives in Georgia and is married. Her son, Roy Johansen, is an Edgar Award-winning screenwriter and novelist. Her daughter, Tamara, serves as her research assistant.